Genesis 38-40 shifts focus between the lives of Jacob's sons and Joseph's experiences in Egypt. Chapter 38 details Judah's personal life, highlighting the episode with his daughter-in-law, Tamar. After the death of her two husbands, both Judah's sons, Tamar disguises herself and tricks Judah into fathering her twins, Perez and Zerah, to secure her lineage. Chapter 39 returns to Joseph, now in Egypt, where he finds favor with Potipar, an Egyptian official. However, falsely accused by Potipar's wife, Joseph is imprisoned. Yet, even in prison, he gains trust and responsibility. Chapter 40 delves into Joseph's ability to interpret dreams. He accurately deciphers the dreams of Pharaoh's cupbearer and baker, both imprisoned with him. Joseph's interpretations come to pass: the cupbearer is reinstated, but the baker is executed. However, the cupbearer forgets to mention Joseph to Pharaoh, leaving him in prison.